Isabel and Alexandra from Baccana Digital Consulting take on IUM!

Today The International University of Monaco welcomed Isabel, project manager, and Alexandra, marketing manager at Baccana Digital Consulting, for a presentation about the company, its story and its know-how. Isabel had the chance to go back to IUM, where she had studied and graduated three years ago with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Event Management

“3 years prior I had just graduated from the IUM with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Entertainment Management, now I’m back in the classroom promoting the company I work for in front of all the students that are sitting exactly where I was, and it is truly an amazingly humbling feeling”.


The presentation allowed the IUM students to get valuable insights about the company and what our work involves within the Principality, in Europe and world wide.

“We are a digital consulting firm based in Monaco that specializes in aiding our clients along their digital transformation, whether it be creating a state of the art digital marketplace, developing or improving an e-commerce platform, or even increasing sales and prospects with online marketing. Our clients range from all sorts of different industries such as the luxury industry, the yachting industry, the motorcycle industry, cross border e-commerce’s with Asia, fashion industry, food industry and in many other trades considering going digital but lacking the competences.”

We would like to thank the International University of Monaco and its students for hosting The Baccana Group,  and we hope that this meetup allowed the students to be even more motivated in regards to the possibilities of their future careers… maybe at Baccana Digital Consulting, who knows !